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Store battery power

You can manually change the power consumption of your computer and save battery power.

Reduce the number of open applications. Even if the application window is minimized, each open software application uses memory and power. Turn off the software application to conserve battery power.

Reduce the screen brightness to the minimum required for reading. Use the function keys or the Windows screen settings to adjust the brightness.

When not in use, disconnect the peripheral device. External hard drives and other peripherals consume battery even when not in use. Disconnect them after use.

Reduce processor speed. The faster a computer works, the faster it consumes the battery. You can extend battery life by reducing processor speed.

Turn off the wireless feature. The wireless connection consumes the battery. Turn off wireless when not needed. Press the wireless switch button to turn off the wireless function and its indicator.

Change the power saving settings. Select Power Management recommendations to save battery power.

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