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Notebook power adapter development history

In 1985, Toshiba (TOSHIBA T1000) took the lead in externally plugging the notebook's power supply, creating the world's first independent notebook power adapter, and began commercializing and popularizing notebook computers.

In 2001, Apple (APPLE powerbook G4) developed a stylish and lightweight notebook power adapter, pushing the notebook charger to a new level.

In 2003, a group of technical teams (formerly AATUU team) developed and mass produced the world's first universal notebook chargers that are fully compatible with the world's major brands of notebook computers. Bring the notebook power adapter into the era of true universal notebook chargers.

In 2009, the world's first universal notebook charger professional brand Acharger, which has suffered many years of hardship since its birth, was finally officially launched under the planning of AATUU. Only created the world's first professional brand of notebook chargers.

In 2010, Acharger became the world's first all-round charger (compatible with laptop chargers), changing the history of notebook chargers for nearly 30 years. Bring the notebook charger into the era of all-round chargers (compatible with laptop chargers, compatible with solar energy, wireless charging technology).

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