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Extend the life of your computer – hardware maintenance

(1) At all times, the connection between the power cable and the signal cable should be ensured to be firm and reliable;

(2) Regularly clean the head of the floppy disk drive (eg three months, half a year, etc.);

(3) The computer should always be in a state of motion, avoiding long periods of idleness;

(4) When powering on, you should first power on the external device, then power on the host; turn off the host first, then turn off the external devices. After booting, you can't shut down immediately. After shutting down, you can't turn it on immediately. The interval should be 10 seconds. the above;

(5) When the floppy disk drive is reading and writing, the floppy disk cannot be forcibly removed, and the bare disk surface should not be touched normally;

(6) When performing keyboard operation, do not use excessive force on the keystroke, otherwise it will affect the life of the keyboard;

(7) The ribbon of the printer should be changed in time. When the color of the ribbon is very light, especially if the color is damaged, it should be replaced immediately to avoid impurities contaminating the needle of the printer and affecting the flexibility of the printing needle.

(8) Always pay attention to clean the dust inside the machine and wipe the keyboard and the surface of the chassis. When the computer is not in use, cover the dust cover;

(9) Do not move the host and other external devices at will during power-on.

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